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Eight Ways for Empaths to Ground and Align!

As an empath and HSP (highly sensitive person) I have found the following ways to ground and align!

It's not always easy understanding being an empath. How do you know what thought, feeling or emotion is your own?

I remember once waiting in the airport for my luggage and I had waves of grief. I was watching people arriving and being hugged by loves as they were greeted at the arrivals. I had to hold back my tears. I didn't understand that I was an empath at the time and I didn't realize the impact emotionally and on my body. I felt so sad and happy at the same time watching people embrace. Feeling all the love!!! Yet, their was sadness too. I realized how quickly I tuned into others emotions. How often do you feel other people's emotions? Are you sensitive or easily overwhelmed?

If you are not sure, take the empath quiz here:

Here are 8 ways you can align and ground as an empath...

Ground yourself with Crystals

Use Relaxing Essential Oils

Reiki, Chakra and Alternative Energy work


Spend Time in Nature


Set Healthy Boundaries

Create some Distance

If you would like a free guide with more information, please sign up for my newsletter and FREE empath guide!

It's also very important to always check in and see what resonates for you. If you have trauma or you are easily triggered, working with a health care professional therapist or health care practitioner can offer the full support you require.  Please note, this information is simply information and not to replace medical or mental health professional advice, please check in with your professional advisors. While I love my oils, crystals, etc. they do not replace medical health professional care, I also work with professional health care providers that have helped me tremendously and I am grateful for the wide variety of holistic care on my journey. It's been quite the journey and I hope some of these tools can help as a reminder that we have the power within, to connect, ground and align! I believe you can use your empathic abilities as a superpower to know what you know and to know how to align to your personal power! This takes practice and daily rituals to become an empowered empath!





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